10 best summer skin care tips

Top 10 Best Summer Skin Care Tips for a Radiant Glow

Summertime is a time for vacations, pool parties, outdoor activities, and beach days. Additionally, it is also the ideal time to revamp your skincare routine as the scorching heat damages skin causing dryness and breakouts. Here let’s look at some summer skin care tips for a healthy glow.

When compared to the colder, darker days of winter, the summer’s longer daylight hours and hot, dry, or humid weather can have distinct effects on our skin.

Depending on where you reside, a different summer skin care routine may be required in the summer. For example, compared to someone living in hilly places where the temperature is a little high, someone living in colder areas—where temperatures are often moderate and humidity levels exceed fifty percent—might need fewer changes.

However, there are some basic summer skincare routines that everyone should take, such as applying sunscreen and avoiding excessive showering.

Below are some best summer skin care tips that will help you relax in the sunshine while keeping your skin healthy.

Summer Skin care Tips:

Stay Hydrated:

Hydration is the key to healthy skin mainly in summer. Drinking plenty of water and eating water-rich seasonal fruits like watermelon help to improve your skin health and complexion.

Cleanse your skin:

Sweating helps the body to remove the accumulated toxins, but excessive and continuous sweating during summer builds up salt and dirt on the skin. So, it is important to wash your face with cool and Luke warm water to remove impurities.

Wear loose clothing:

While going out during summer, prefer wearing loose and protective clothing like long sleeves and loose pants. This protects your body from scorching heat.

Have enough sleep:

Getting enough sleep for 8 hours helps the skin to repair from dust and heat.

A healthy diet:

Eating a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables during summer helps the skin to get all necessary proteins and fats.

Avoid heavy makeup:

Wearing heavy makeup in summer will create clogged pores and patches. So it is better to wear a lightweight chemical-free foundation and better to use moisturizer.

Summer Skin Care Tips
Take cool showers:

Taking a cool and Luke warm water shower during summer helps you to remove dirt and salt by keeping away from itching and dryness.


Once a week, use a mild, all-natural scrub (made with sugar, rice flour, red lentils, or turmeric) to remove dead skin cells and expose more radiant skin. Acne or blackheads can be caused by dead skin cells that accumulate in the pores.


During summer, your skin may get dry from heat-induced moisture evaporation or by being in an air-conditioned space. Thus, moisturizing your skin in the summer is just as important as it is at any other time of year. Use sesame or coconut oil to combat with acne-causing germs.

Natural face pack:

To cleanse and nourish your skin, use face packs made of natural cooling elements such as turmeric, yogurt, Multani mitti sandalwood, coconut, etc.

Summer skin care routine for Dry skin:

  • To keep your skin clear and free of wreckages, choose a cleanser that doesn’t foam.
  • Use gel-based skin care products instead of cream-based ones because they are less oily.
  • Use egg white, lemon, sandalwood, and curd with besan or turmeric when choosing an exfoliating scrub.

Summer skincare routine for oily skin:

  • Using a mild moisturizer with SPF protection will help you keep your skin hydrated throughout the summer. This will lessen the chance of early aging and solar damage.
  • To keep your skin hydrated from the inside out, sip on lots of water. 
  • Use a natural face mask or pack to maintain the fresh, glowing appearance of your skin. If not, search for masks that soothe and relax the skin with components like cucumber, aloe vera, or tea tree oil.
  • Finally, remember to use a lip balm with SPF to shield your lips from the sun. Keeping your lips moisturized and protected is crucial for general skin health throughout the summer months because the sensitive skin on them may easily become dry and cracked.

Summer skincare routine for combination skin:

People with combination skin types need to balance between hydration and oil control to maintain healthy, radiant skin all summer long. People with combination skin types may have an oilier T-zone (the area around the nose and eyes) and dry cheeks and other parts of the face during this warm, dry season. The key to maintaining healthy skin in the summer is cleansing, shielding it from the intense sun, and drinking plenty of water. And follow the above-mentioned skincare tips.

So these are some summer skin care tips that you can use to get glowing skin even in scorching heat without getting tanned. Follow all these tips regularly and get glowing and healthy skin.

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